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Muh Geot Wong
Concord Repatriation General Hospital

Associate Professor Muh Geot Wong MBBS, PhD, FRACP

Dr Wong is an Associate Professor in Medicine, University of Sydney, Senior Consultant Nephrologist and Director of Renal Research at the Concord Repatriate General Hospital, Sydney, He is a Clinician researcher with a strong interest in understanding the pathomechanism of kidney fibrosis and has actively promoted the development of both clinical and pre-clinical research in delaying chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression in IgA nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy, and management of cardiovascular complications associated with CKD. He has served as co-Chair of the Clinical Trials and Translation Research Enabler Committee of the Kolling Institute (2019-2022) and the Co-Chair of the Research Group for the Chronic and Complex Medicine Network for Northern Sydney Lower Health District (2016-2021). He was the program Chair of the Nephrology and Transplantation Update Course for the Scientific Program and Education Committee, ANZSN (2015-2020), the current Chair of the Education Committee for the Asia Pacific Society of Nephrology. He serves as Chair of the Oceania South East Asia Regional Board, International Society of Nephrology.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2023-12-01 14:25-14:40 黄埔A+B厅

Ways in addressing the burden of dialysis in different countries and regions

讲者 Australia and New Zealand
2023-12-02 11:00-11:30 开源厅

English Symposium 12: Clinical Trials Symposium

讲者 How to conduct a successful RCT
2023-12-02 13:45-15:15 开放厅

English Symposium 10: Nutrition in kidney disease
